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Irene Jordan


Irene Jordan  

I was one of 5 children raised in Albemarle, North Carolina. My father, a North Carolina Highway Division Engineer, was moved to Shelby, NC just two days before my senior year in high school. I graduated from The Woman's College of the University of North Carolina in Greensboro in 1954 with a major in Business Education. I am married to a retired physician and we live in Westlake Valley. I taught 5th grade for only one year and after raising my 3 children began substitute teaching in Sanford for the first through third grades. I retired from substituting this year. My interest is children's books written in poetry and I have read these to children in Sanford, Ohio, Virginia and England. I have written an eleven page poem on the history of Charleston, S.C. which was written for a literary club program. I have also written many frivolous poems, many of which have been read to rather large audiences, but only one has been published - in the North Carolina State Highway magazine.